What makes Intuit Coffee unique?

About Us



We are Intuit Coffee.
We aim for curiosity and humility in this ever-evolving coffee space.
We are mindful of—and dedicated to—the quality of the coffee we source, roast, and serve.
We are thoughtful and energetic in sharing our craft with coffee lovers, bringing consistently delicious coffee to your home and in our cafes.


We are discerning with the coffee we source. Every coffee we roast and serve, celebrates and matches our partner farmers’ dedication to quality. From bean to cup, we are committed to serving top-quality, delicious coffee.


We are purposeful with the coffee we source. Every coffee we serve is a celebration of our partner farmers’ commitment to quality. 
Our special coffee highlights for 2023 are from two Filipino partner farmers — two partners who are so unique and so similar at the same time. 
Meet Ms. Silvestra Villegas from Ilocos Sur in Region 1 and Mr. Dione Ellaga from Davao del Sur in Region 11. 
Their uniqueness is exhibited by the coffee they have nurtured and processed — a Natural Fine Robusta and a Natural Catimor Arabica. Their similarity is the commitment to quality to their craft. Both are competition finalists in the Philippine Coffee Quality Competition (PCQC) of 2023. 
We, at Intuit Coffee, are thrilled to be partnering with both Ms. Silvestra and Mr. Dione to celebrate the literal fruit of their hard work and dedication to coffee quality.


Dione Ellaga PCQC 2023
Our arabica coffee is a masterpiece of care and commitment, grown by farmers who prioritize quality. These beans thrive in higher, cooler places, allowing them to develop slowly and create a refined and complex flavor.
The farmer behind these beans, Dione Ellaga, is a true artist. They put a lot of effort into taking care of the delicate beans, choosing the best types, and using sustainable farming methods. The result is coffee with subtle and varied flavors, from fruity to hints of chocolate and caramel. Every cup tells the story of these dedicated farmers.

Silvestra Villegas PCQC 2023
Our robusta coffee is a result of Ms.Silvestra’s dedication in challenging climates. These beans are known for their strong and intense flavor, thanks to the robusta plant's natural resistance to pests and diseases.
Farmers like Ms. Silvestra who grow robusta coffee are experts in dealing with these tough conditions. They take special care of the plants to make sure they produce beans with a bold taste. This makes our robusta coffee a great choice for those who want a strong and invigorating brew.

Burundi Kaze Washed
Our Burundi coffee comes from the beautiful landscapes of East Africa. Farmers in Burundi take great care in growing these beans high in the mountains, where the air is cool, and the land is fertile. They handpick the beans when they're just right, capturing the unique flavors of this region.
These farmers have been perfecting their coffee-growing skills for generations. They do this while protecting the environment and making sure their communities thrive. This care and hard work shine through in every cup of coffee, giving you a taste of Burundi's coffee heritage.

Colombia Sogno Decaf
Our decaffeinated coffee is a thoughtful creation, both by the producers and for those who enjoy it. Producers carefully choose coffee beans and use a special process to remove most of the caffeine while keeping the natural coffee flavors.
These beans are made to give you a rich, full taste without the caffeine buzz. It's perfect for those who prefer a gentle cup of coffee in the evening or a mild start to their morning.



Intuit Coffee's packaging was thoughtfully created to capture the essence of our brand and the experience we offer. Our packaging tells a story through a blend of different symbols:
  • Light Bulb: We use the light bulb to represent inspiration and creativity. It's a reminder that each bag of Intuit Coffee can spark fresh ideas and moments of insight.
  • Coffee Cups: Coffee cups are integrated into our design to symbolize the heart of our passion – serving outstanding coffee. They stand for the joy and sense of togetherness that coffee brings to our lives.
  • Coffee Beans: Coffee beans are central to our packaging. They represent the origin of our craft and the hard work of the farmers who nurture these beans. We've drawn illustrations of coffee beans into our designs, creating a collection of flavors and aromas.
  • Sunlight: Sunshine symbolizes positivity and warmth. It adds a feeling of brightness and optimism to our packaging, reminding you of the promise of a new day and the energy a cup of Intuit Coffee can bring.
  • Leaves: Leaves are a symbol of nature's influence on our coffee journey. They stand for the lush landscapes where our beans thrive and our commitment to sustainable practices. Leaves, intertwined with other elements, create a sense of harmony and balance.
  • Cloud Elements: Clouds are delicately incorporated into our design to symbolize the interconnectedness of our world and the boundless potential within every coffee experience. They add a dreamlike quality, inspiring a sense of wonder.


When you choose Intuit Coffee, whether you're buying our bagged beans or visiting our coffee shops, get ready for an amazing coffee experience. Our bagged beans are a result of our coffee experts' dedication and skill. We carefully select, roast, and blend our coffee to make it incredibly delicious. We offer a variety of beans to suit different tastes, and we always make sure they're super fresh. We're also committed to sourcing our coffee ethically and sustainably, supporting eco-friendly production. And when it comes to our packaging, it's designed to spark your creativity with symbols of nature and coffee elements.
Inside our coffee stores, you'll find a welcoming atmosphere that's perfect for relaxing. Our baristas are highly trained to make each cup of coffee a work of art. We engage all your senses with fantastic flavors, delightful smells, soothing sounds, and beautiful visuals. Our stores are great places for coffee lovers to meet, chat, or simply enjoy a peaceful moment. We're always coming up with new and exciting coffee blends and specialty drinks. Our staff, who are more than just servers, are eager to share their knowledge and make your coffee experience even better.

PCQC Winners