2023 PCQC Winners

Top 3: Arabica (Farmer - Dione Ellaga)

Top 7: Robusta (Farmer - Silvestra Villegas)


Dione Ellaga and Silvestra Villegas were two determined farmers who worked tirelessly every day to care for their beloved coffee plants. They began their mornings at sunrise, looking after the small coffee beans with the hope of creating something special for their community. Their journey wasn't easy; they faced challenges like unpredictable weather, pests, and the ever-changing forces of nature. However, their strong belief in their mission kept them going.


After spending many hours in the sun, their coffee beans started to grow well. The once weak plants became strong, promising exceptional flavors. Dione and Silvestra's hard work paid off as their coffee plants produced beans with rich and unique flavors. This was a result of the love and care they poured into their cultivation.


Their journey wasn't just about farming; it was also about finding the right balance between working with nature and taking care of their plants. Their village began to notice this too, appreciating the wonderful smell of the coffee and understanding the effort that went into growing it.


In 2023, they had a significant opportunity to share their expertise with more people through the Philippine Coffee Quality Competition (PCQC). They believed in the quality of their beans, so they decided to participate. Their beans didn't just represent their village; they symbolized the entire Philippines. They had worked really hard to get to this point, and they were hopeful about the results.


When the results were announced at the World Trade Center in Pasay City, it was a huge moment for them and for coffee. Their beans impressed the judges not only because they tasted great but also because of the hard work that went into growing them. Their success celebrated not only their journey but also the countless hours they spent working and their strong belief in what they were doing.


The awards they received weren't just prizes; they represented their determination, collective effort, and the uniqueness of their journey. Their transformation from struggling farmers to representatives of their region showed that passion and hard work can bring about significant change. Dione and Silvestra didn't just produce outstanding coffee; they gave people all over the world the chance to taste something truly exceptional.

PCQC Winners

Meet the outstanding winners of PCQC 2023 – these are exceptional coffee beans that stand as proof of the farmers' strong commitment and hard work. These incredible individuals have shown dedication and passion, growing coffee beans that represent the highest level of quality.